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Leather Jock Zipper Black by SaXos


Leather Jock Zipper Black by SaXos

Finally a leather jock which is comfortable and fits perfectly.
Wear the jock at the party as a stand-alone piece or under your chaps, either way you`ll get plenty of attention.
The Zipper allows you to wear the jock during sex or if you need to take a pee, just open the front of the jock and pull out your best piece!!
With each wear the leather will get even more comfortable und with the elastic rubber bands you will find the optimal size.
No way you will find a better leather jock to cover/reveal your horny dick!!!

Specifications of the Leather Jock Zipper Black by SaXos:

To choose the optimal size, we advise to measure your waist circumference and to be as accurate as possible.
If you know your circumference just check if it fits with the size we offer.
  • Size S/M: 78-99 cm
  • Size L/XL: 100-120 cm
Product information:
Material: 100% real cow leather
Leather color: Black
Leather Waist Belt: 4 cm wide, 4 mm thick(quadruple layer construction)
Rubber Bands: 3 cm wide(waist), 1,5 cm wide(buttocks)
Weight: 0,12 kg
Made in Poland

Additional information:
Combine all leather jocks with matching accessories, like the leather wristband, the chain cockring and the matchable leather harnesses.

Beurteilung: Leather Jock Zipper Black by SaXos

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Zum Beispiel, Eindhoven

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€ 59,95 € 49,95 Sie sparen 16.7%
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Erwartete Lieferzeit : 3 - 4 Wochen
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